Project Proposal Document Template Instructions

  1. General Information – Basic information that identifies the project.
Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project.

Project Working Title – The working name or acronym used to identify the project.  If an acronym is used, define the specific meaning of each letter.

Proponent Secretary – The Secretary to whom the proponent agency is assigned or the Secretary that is sponsoring a particular enterprise project.

Proponent Agency – The agency that will be responsible for the management of the project.

Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document.

Date Prepared – The date this document is initially prepared.

Answer the following questions with a Yes or No and provide a brief response as appropriate.
Is this an updated Project Proposal Document?  If yes, what is the reason for this update?
Is this a follow-on to a previous project?  If yes, what is the project name and date of completion?
Will the project deliverable(s) replace a current asset or group of assets?  If yes, what is being replaced?
Is the Project Initiation Phase efforts funded?  If yes, what is the amount of funding?
Is the Project Planning Phase efforts funded?  If yes, what is the amount of funding?

Points of Contact – List those principal individuals that may be contacted for information regarding this project in the initiation phase.  Provide the title, name, organization, phone number, and email address of the following individuals:
Project Sponsor - An individual, usually part of the organization management team, who makes the business case for the project.  This individual usually has the authority to define project goals, secure resources, and resolve organizational and priority conflicts.
Program Manager – The individual responsible for the management and coordination of a group of related projects that will include the project being proposed.
Project Manager (Designee) - The individual appointed and given responsibility for management of the project.
Proponent Cabinet Secretary - The appointed secretary to whom the agency responsible for the project is assigned.
Proponent Agency Head – The appointed head of the agency responsible for the project.
Customer (User) Representative(s) – Someone designated to represent the ultimate users of a product or service.
Other – Any person, not listed above, who may be contacted about this project.

  1. Project Purpose - The purpose of the project is to solve a business problem.  Explain the business reason(s) for doing this project.  This section describes the business problem, business impacts, business objectives, and the constraints associated with the proposed project.  If the Project Analysis Worksheet was completed for this project, the Project Purpose (Section B) from the worksheet provides information to support completion of this section.
1.      Business Problem - A question, issue, or situation, pertaining to the business, which needs to be answered or resolved.  State in specific terms what problem or issue this project will resolve.  The business problem is often reflected as a critical business issue or initiative in the Agency’s Strategic Plan or IT Strategic Plan.
2.      Project Business Objectives – A desired result produced by a project that answers or resolves the business problem.  Define the specific business objectives of the project that correlate to the strategic initiatives or issues identified in the Commonwealth or Agency Strategic Plan.  The project business objectives should reflect the desired result(s) produced by the project that answers or resolves the stated business problem.  Every business objective must relate to at least one initiative or issue and every initiative or issue cited must relate to at least one project business objective.  During the planning phase, the objectives serve as a foundation for development of project performance measures known as measures of success.
3.      Core Business Activity Impacted – Core Business Activities are agency defined cross-functional processes that produce the agency's primary products and services, or support the production of the products or services.  List the Core Business Activities impacted by the project and identify the impact.
4.      Constraints - Constraints are those things that by their nature restrict choice.  Identify constraints that will influence the selection of a solution to resolve the stated business problem.  Constraints can include but are not limited to: time, funding, personnel, facilities, and management limitations.

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