Bocah ABG Medan ngaku anak jenderal, dan maki-maki Polisi menohok banget

Sonya Depari, Seorang siswi di Medan Penyanyi Mendadak Menjadi perbincangan lantaran aksinya Yang kelewat Berani ketika terkena razia Polisi Saat melakukan KONVOI usai UN, Rabu (6/4). Sonya Yang Tanpa Segan membentak Seorang Polwan Yang Tengah bertugas Dan Mengaku sebagai Seorang Anak Jenderal Penyanyi mendapat kecaman Dari different parties.

Tentu Saja keberanian Sonya bukanlah Semata-mata Sesuatu Yang Keluar Dari pemikirannya Sendiri. Tingkah laku Dan perkataannya Adalah akumulasi Dari APA Yang dia dengar Dan lihat hearts Kehidupan Sehari-hari. Hal Inilah Yang disampaikan hearts surat Yang Ditulis akun Facebook Birgaldo Sinaga.

Dalam Tulisan tersebut, Birgaldo mengungkapkan Yang dilakukan Sonya TIDAK berbaring sinetron disebabkan Indonesia Yang Kurang mendidik. SEBUAH Tulisan Yang Cukup menohok kitd Dan Dunia sinetron di Indonesia.
 Bocah ABG Medan ngaku anak jenderal, dan maki-maki Polisi menohok banget

Here's the complete letter written Birgaldo Sinaga:

Sonya Ekarina Sembiring suddenly popular. Who presume pretty teenage girl who was still in grade 3 SMA can be fierce in front of policewomen officers Perida Panjaitan.

His face was familiar to model community in Medan. He is one of the well-known model. His face often Wara Wiri in the catwalk.
When police stopped the convoy krn dangerous, Sonya did not accept. With an air force debt collector tub again angry, Sonya wrath. With hands pointing pointing to the officer policewoman, Sonya harsh rebuke with the words in full force and toned.
"HEARING yes BU !!. HEARING yes BU !!! This I do not play play !! Kalo to enter my koran..ingat yes ... YES YOU MARK ADVANCES ..KUTANDAI KAU..Aku Depari..INGAT son Arman Arman depari !!
We were pleasantly surprised. Alamakkk. What pulak can pretty teenage girls usually like that.
Behind the times have been reversed. Smiling beautiful face on the catwalk turned out to be inversely on the streets. On the catwalk lenggak road swing so perfect, in the street could play hit-and-only.

Sonya teenage girl is the product of the contemporary world stage our patron. What often children are watching this child eventually mutate into personal character. Sticking unstable when signing in our social life.

Sonya and his colleagues are genuine products of our teenage children. We are the ones that simplifies the hedonistic culture, haughty, arrogant, showy, petenteng petentang, dishonorable same parents again into the child's mind this child. Their children that we fill empty souls and minds with trash illusion.

Sonya and his comrades are the mirror of our mistakes. They are victims of the greed of the owners commercialization of public information space like Harry Tano Soedibyo MNC. They are victims of state policies that lost on the owners of capital. Democracy takes our noble civilization.

We see TV shows so depressing. Destructive. Bak virus preys on our common sense. Epidemic. Indeed, darisanalah Sonya learn to see, hear and record. Mencontohnya and make it as something that is not wrong.

Sonya ... you mark om ya boy !! ..tandai !! .. uppss ... oldness ya..abang aja ya brother ya..tandai mark the deck !! .. yes .. !!
Ha ha ha
Regards Mark

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