1. General Statement of Problem Area
The problem to be examined involves the high rates of breast cancer among Black women and the insufficient level of follow-up Treatment after detection.
2. Research Purpose
The primary purpose of this research paper is to study the participation patterns of Black women in relation to breast cancer screening. A secondary purpose is to determine the extent to which Black women receive follow-up treatment if breast cancer is detected, and to ascertain the nature of the intervention.
3. Research Problem
There are three facets of the research problem:
3.1 The higher incidence of breast cancer among Black women;
3.2 The increased risk of diagnosis with advanced-stage breast cancer among Black women; and
3.3 The higher mortality rate among Black women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
4. Significance of Study
The study is significant for three reasons.
First, since Black females have a higher rate of death from breast cancer than White women, the issue of screening and mammography offered at health clinics and hospitals is crucial.
Second, the study will address the issue of barriers and obstacles to adequate health care delivery with this population.
Third, the study is significant because of its implications for health education, early detection, and screening for breast cancer.Klik satu iklan di blog ini yach...!!!
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